W. Clay Smith

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Dive In…

At the pool, the diving board beckons.   

On the board: “What’s the water temperature?  How deep is it?” 

First step: “Do I really feel like getting all wet?  Would I rather be lounging in the sun?  It’s not too late to back out.” 

Second step: “Everyone is looking at me.  Will they laugh at my dive?  Do I look okay in my bathing suit?  Will I lose my bathing suit when I hit the water?” 

Third step: “Am I sure I want to do this?  Will people call me chicken if I stop right now and go back?  Will some bully try to push me in if I back up?” 

Edge of the board: “It’s the point of no return.  In two seconds, my questions about temperature and depth will be answered.  I fling myself forward without knowing the answers but committing to finding out.” 

In the air: “It’s the awkward moment of commitment.  I’ve left the diving board.  I don’t know if I will look graceful or not.  I don’t know if my bathing suit will stay on.  I may come up to laughter or applause.  But I have taken the risk.  I made the jump.  I’m in the air.” 

Splash: “I did it!  You can’t get in the pool on the diving board!  My dive may not have been pretty, and there might be no applause, but I’m in, and I’m wet.  I made the dive.” 

When Jesus said to Peter, Andrew, James, and John, “Follow me,” He was inviting them to dive into a journey where they would see what they had never seen before, to do what they never dreamed possible, and to join a Kingdom work that redefined everything.  When He told Matthew to leave his toll booth, He was inviting him to dive into a purpose beyond money, to throw a party, and to organize and write a gospel.  When He invited Peter to get out of the boat, He was inviting him to dive in, literally, and do what no one else would ever do. When He told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more, he invited her to life where she was valued not as an object but as a soul.  When He told Paul he was sending him as light to the Gentiles, He was inviting him to leave behind prestige and heritage and join a revolution. 

Do you think He’s done issuing invitations? 

Jesus is still inviting people to summon their courage, get on the board, take their steps, and dive in. 

Is He inviting you to dive in and volunteer?  Is He inviting you to pick up the phone and dial that number and say, “I’m sorry?”  Is He inviting you to be generous, truly generous, and give money away so you can attack the selfishness of your soul?  Is He inviting you to be courageous and speak about Jesus to a neighbor?  Is He inviting you to believe in miracles and pray for them?  Is He inviting you to finally admit you have a problem and you need help? 

I don’t know what the specific invitation will be, but I am pretty sure he has an invitation for you.  But you will only know the true invitation if you dive in. 

Dive in; the adventure is worth it.