W. Clay Smith

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What I Love About America…

Right now, it is easy to list what is wrong with America.  You might even be tempted to think, “If those people would just see things my way, we could straighten this country out.”  This thinking is called “confirmation bias.”  If you only talk to people who see the world the way you do, if you only go to websites that agree with you, and if you only watch one news network that tells you the news the way you want to hear it, you create a circle of belief where what you believe is re-enforced, even if what you believe is wrong.  But step outside of your comfort zone and think about what is right with America. 

We are a country that is blessed.  Our country has been given wealth, power, and status that we have not earned.  Most Americans still know that when a crisis occurs, we still need God’s blessing.  Do you remember the night of September 11, 2001?  Congressmen, Democrats, and Republicans stood on the steps of the Capitol and sang “God Bless America.”  If I were to offer you ten million dollars on the condition that you move permanently to Somalia, most of you would refuse the deal.  Better to be middle class in America than rich in Somalia. 

I love that in America, we still have people of courage.   Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and spoke of a dream: “I have a dream that one day my three children will not be judged on the color of their skin but on the content of their character.”  Ronald Reagan stood in front of the Berlin Wall and said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”  Soldiers take up arms and fight for our country.  First responders run to the danger.  There are still politicians who will stand for what is right and not worry about re-election. 

In America, we still think in terms of right and wrong.  My son told me a story of traveling overseas and watching an airline official accept a bribe.  Bribes happen in America, but at least we know it is wrong.  There are places in the world where young girls are forced into marriage.  Slavery still exists in areas of India and Africa.  Much of the world still honors “might makes right.”  In America, we know right is right. 

Freedom is not something to take for granted.  In the most populous country in the world, China, your access to the internet is tightly controlled.  All people over age fourteen are required to have an internal passport in Russia.  This is so the government can track your movements and control where you can and can not go.  I can drive across the country, and if I obey the speed limit and traffic laws, no one will stop me and demand to see some identification.

We have a sense of justice.  The Biblical injunction, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth,” is meant to make sure justice is proportional.  In Singapore, you can be beaten with a cane for chewing gum.  In some Muslim societies, you can lose your hand for stealing.  I know we do not always get this right in America, but I would rather take my chances in an American courtroom than in any other courtroom in the world. 

I love that I can call my congressman and senators and tell them I think they are wrong.  No one will come to arrest me.  I love that when I vote, no one knows who I voted for.  No one is peering over my shoulder to make sure I mark my ballot correctly.   

On Sunday, I can stand and preach what I think is a message from God.  No policeman is there to arrest me for preaching.  I have no “official” script issued from a government office. No worship service will be interrupted by the secret police.  I actually love that people I disagree with theologically can gather down the street and worship in their own way too.  Freedom for me requires there to be freedom for them as well.

 There is a lot wrong with America, but there is a lot to love.  If you love America, you should ask, “Why has this country been given so much?”  I believe God made America for a reason.  The reason, I am sure, has less to do with us enjoying the “good life” and more to do with being the “good people.”  Let us be the people, the nation God made us to be.