W. Clay Smith

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The Week After Christmas…

‘Twas the week after Christmas and all through the house the boxes were spread,

            Toys that were broken soon after their opening had been shoved under the bed. 

In the bathroom the scales were broken,

            Cries of “I can’t have gained this much weight” were spoken. 

The refrigerator was stuffed with leftover ham,

            And there a molding was a casserole of leftover yam. 

The men were sent to the return gifts line,

            While the women gossiped over their third glass of wine. 

One child exclaimed he was bored,

            His mother heard this and fell on the floor. 

She had shopped and clicked,

            Doing her duty as stand-in Saint Nick. 

“Find something to do,” she shouted,

            Off went the child to his room and pouted. 

The bowl games were on each night,

            With fans arguing imagined slights.  

Tigers were grumbling about their missed chance,

            While Gamecocks and Gators were thrilled just to dance. 

Some families took trips to see new-fallen snow,

            Others stayed home and binge-watched a show. 

Grandparents waved goodbye to the kids,

            Then collapsed into bed with a very quick skid. 

Decorations came down, reluctantly of course,

            Once again Dad found himself to be the work horse. 

Up to the attic, from whence they came,

            Each box labeled with an incorrect name. 

Room must be made for newly acquired loot,

            Closets were clean for new pairs of boots. 

Plans were made to celebrate the New Year,

            “Do we go out, or stay right here?” 

A young man debated if New Year’s Eve was the night,

            He should pop the question with a ring just right? 

Resolutions were formed for January second,

            Changes for good called and they beckoned. 

Many said, “Good riddance” to the year just past,

            But a few with a tear said, “It was my loved one’s last.” 

 But before the Christmas glow faded,

            Before in the New Year we all become jaded. 

Remember the Savior we celebrated,

            He is Christ the Lord, the one awaited. 

The promise of Christmas still remains,

            No matter your sin, he removes all the stains. 

Strive to follow him and fill your life with prayer,

            And this new year will find you in his care.